After looking at the inspirations of a few other books, I have decided to do a book about self esteem and teaching children about the different skills everyone has and the ability to be proud of them. For this book, I want to use animals as the characters as I think this is a feature in a lot of children’s books and relates to anyone.
The moral of the story will be to accept your own skills and be proud of who you are.
I decided to write the story first and then create the design of the book after.
Ronald the Bear lived alone in his burrow, with no friends or family to cuddle.
He longed for company and a jolly good laugh.
So much that it broke his big bear heart in half.
All he had to eat was the leaves on the trees
Was how he ate his lunch.
One day, Ronald heard the strangest sound… Was it a bird or was it a hound?
He thought as he listened at the door.
As he peaked through the hole, he couldn’t believe what he saw.
With other animals, music and joy,
He hadn’t seen a party like this since he was a little boy!
Ronald looked at their happy faces and the joyful siniging, and longed to be where they where.
But all he could think of is his knotty looking furr.
He had to get ready in a rush!
Out the door he bound with a wide smile on his jaw,
And the animals couldn’t believe what they saw.
‘AHHHHH Look at his teeth!’ Screamed Millie the Mouse,
‘You will ruin the party, get out of our house!’ Said Felicity the Fox.
All the little animals started to laugh and point and stare,
‘He can’t even eat the cake, he’s a big scary bear!’
For the pages that I will create, this is the narrative and story which will work with the designs on the pages. I decided to use rhyming to tell the story as I think this makes the narrative more interesting and children are able to relate to the rhythm of the words.
I think this story is fun and allows for there to be a creative design to go with them, I decided to use a bear as this is physically different to the smaller woodland creatures in the forest and children will be able to understand this.
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