Editing of the Office

I have been editing the photo of the office to give it a more animated look for the interactive game. I used Image Trace to get the outlines of the image and then created the grayscale edit to the photo.

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The photo looks posterised and this was the effect I wanted to create. The graphics will also look this way and will go along with this theme. 

Einsteins office

I want to use a character which will be a guide around the game and I could use this like many other games like this use as the narrator. 

I like the look of the office and this has helped to give a better idea of what the game will look like and how it will work. 

Einstein’s Room

Einstein’s Office

I have been thinking about a theme for the game and so when I was looking at the information on the internet about Einstein and his achievements, there was pictures of his office. This picture interested me a lot and could be a really interesting theme to include in the game. 


(Image taken from http://imgur.com/gallery/eoZjB)

I had the idea to use this photo for the background of the game and also use the different paper and items around the room for the interactive graphics. 

I like the idea of using a real photo of Einsteins office which would give the audience a better understanding of the subject. 


Interactive Revision Game

I have been thinking about how the Theory of Relativity has many different elements to it which could be difficult to revise at GCSE. This target audience use creative revision websites which allow for easier and more creative revision. 

I have the idea to create an interactive revision game which will be targeted at GCSE audience who would be studying the Theory of Relativity and this would be an informative revision game which allows the audience to interact with the information. 

BBC Bitesize is an example of a website which also uses interactive games for revision. I have looked into a few similar products to get a better idea of revision games. 

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This gave me the understanding of the sort of interactive game I want to create and how the revision of the subject could be shown in a fun and interesting way. The revision questions are set in a way which makes the audience play the game in order to revise the specific topic. 

I want to create a game which allows the audience to answer questions in order to unlock clues. The design of the game will use bright colours and characters which will be appropriate for the audience. 

Infographic Information

I have been researching into infographics and the different styles of them, I particularly looked at the infographics which where about helping to explain a theory or topic in a more simplified way. 


This Infographic is visually interesting and I like the way in which it uses bold colours to show the information. 

It is also clearly aimed at a younger audience with the Santa theme, however is appropriate for other age groups with the easy to understand information and interesting question.

This also helped me to understand how an infographic could be used in a poster style which works with the bold information and colours. 

The pictures are the main focus of this and this is something I want to include in my poster to show the information visually for a study tool. 

The infographics have helped me to understand the use of the visually displayed information and how this could be presented in an interesting way on a poster or website. 

Einstein Research

So, its the start of a new brief and that means research into something new…

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

So after not really thinking about the theory of relativity and what it was for a few years, I though that it would be a good idea to get a better understanding of what it is and how this could be made into an informative website, app, poster and infographic. 

I therefore wanted to get an idea of what this was in a simplified way and found this website which explains this in an easier way: 


“In 1905, Albert Einstein determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and that the speed of light in a vacuum was independent of the motion of all observers. This was the theory of special relativity. It introduced a new framework for all of physics and proposed new concepts of space and time.

Einstein then spent 10 years trying to include acceleration in the theory and published his theory of general relativity in 1915. In it, he determined that massive objects cause a distortion in space-time, which is felt as gravity.”

This explanation was a simplified explanation about what the theory is and got me starting to think about the type of infographic I wanted to create. 

When reading all this information about the theory of relativity I wanted something which would explain it in a more interactive and visual way, whereas these websites gave a lot of wordy explanations. 

I then looked at Youtube to see what visual ideas there where around the Theory of Relativity and Einstein.

I first looked at this video which uses video graphics to create an easy understanding of the Theory of Relativity and this explains in a visual way.

I like the way in which it makes it easy to understand and it is visual, however, the content is not how I would want to create my website graphics as I wanted to use a more simplistic approach to the brief. 

I then found this Youtube video and this uses a different design approach to the explanation of the theory and uses animation and bold colours. 

This youtube video was easier to understand in the way it was simplified in the animations and uses familiar images to explain the theory. 

The Theory of Relativity is a very complicated topic and therefore, I like the idea of creating a very visual website and app which help to make the topic easier to understand.