
Interactive Revision Game

I have been thinking about how the Theory of Relativity has many different elements to it which could be difficult to revise at GCSE. This target audience use creative revision websites which allow for easier and more creative revision. 

I have the idea to create an interactive revision game which will be targeted at GCSE audience who would be studying the Theory of Relativity and this would be an informative revision game which allows the audience to interact with the information. 

BBC Bitesize is an example of a website which also uses interactive games for revision. I have looked into a few similar products to get a better idea of revision games. 

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This gave me the understanding of the sort of interactive game I want to create and how the revision of the subject could be shown in a fun and interesting way. The revision questions are set in a way which makes the audience play the game in order to revise the specific topic. 

I want to create a game which allows the audience to answer questions in order to unlock clues. The design of the game will use bright colours and characters which will be appropriate for the audience. 

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