Infographic Information

I have been researching into infographics and the different styles of them, I particularly looked at the infographics which where about helping to explain a theory or topic in a more simplified way. 


This Infographic is visually interesting and I like the way in which it uses bold colours to show the information. 

It is also clearly aimed at a younger audience with the Santa theme, however is appropriate for other age groups with the easy to understand information and interesting question.

This also helped me to understand how an infographic could be used in a poster style which works with the bold information and colours. 

The pictures are the main focus of this and this is something I want to include in my poster to show the information visually for a study tool. 

The infographics have helped me to understand the use of the visually displayed information and how this could be presented in an interesting way on a poster or website. 

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